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The Stream's Guided Meditations: The Complete Bundle Offer

You exist in a multi-layered universe and how you perceive reality is constantly shifting. You have more control over your reality than you realize!

What you'll get:

  • Seeing Through the Eyes of Source - Guided Meditation
  • Money Mindset - Guided Meditation
  • Quick Clearing - Guided Meditation
  • The Vault - Guided Meditation
  • Improved Bodily Functions - Guided Meditation
  • Deep Relax - Guided Meditation

The purpose of meditation is to calm your mind and allow your natural Source connection to flow. Your Source connection is one of pure love and eternal wisdom; it is your intuition and a source of joy that relaxes your body and your entire being. There is nothing more important than allowing this connection to become your everyday state of being.

The Stream's guided meditations will transform how you view life and its obstacles and erase years of abundance blocks in your elevated state of true belief. It’s a magical journey not to be missed!



What People Are Saying:

I went from earning $18k per year to $200K the next year. I also manifested full custody of my daughter, avoiding a huge legal battle that I once thought was inevitable. TYA Bootcamp is huge!

Qatarina Wanders

Upon graduating from the course and firmly utilizing the TYA practice on a daily level, I now have a thriving Acupuncture practice, top-level health with no constriction in my knee, zero financial stress, and an opportunity to travel to Europe to pitch my idea to an animation studio literally dropped into my lap!

Kimberly Gitzel